Thursday, May 18, 2017

The Wilderness

 The Lord your God has blessed you in all the work of your hands. He has watched over your journey through this vast wilderness. These forty years the Lord your God has been with you, and you have not lacked anything. (Deuteronomy 2:7)

The wilderness can be a painful place, because you are hungry and thirsty for more than just manna.  Though, the Lord is teaching you in these lean years. “It is written: Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God." (Matthew 4:4) Even Jesus was tested in the wilderness.

The thing about the wilderness is that we really have no idea where we are going.  We desperately need good leadership and the Holy Word spoken through the prophets of long ago.

But the good news is God knows where we are going, and if we listen to the voice of the Good Shepherd he will lead us besides quiet waters, refreshing our souls. (Psalm 23)

God will make a way for you in the wilderness and provide springs in the wastelands if you let him. (Isaiah 43:19)

It takes waiting, listening, seeing and responding to the Holy Spirit.  It takes gratitude for God’s daily provision.  It takes trust that the Lord is with us, and acknowledgment that we have not lacked anything. 

God is a Good God and His Mercy is new every morning!  Great is His Faithfulness from generation to generation. (Lamentations 3:23)

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