Saturday, May 20, 2017

A Fiery Emotion

Where does anger come from?  When I was growing up anger felt very unsafe to me.  I have always been more of a people-pleaser, and wanting to keep the peace.  But I realize in being a peace-maker, sometimes you can suppress the anger that is hidden within you and it will come out when you least expect it. 

But what do you do with anger?  Many psychologists think anger can mask more of the tender feelings of hurt and pain.  Anger can become like a wall or a defense.  But Anger can also be a response to fear, frustration, and stress as well. 

When you realize you feel angry, it’s always good and healthy to explore reasons behind your anger. Make a list of things in your life that feel difficult right now.  Maybe it’s relational, or vocational, or financial.

There can be legitimate needs in your life not being met.   The Bible says, "In your anger do not sin: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry."  Ephesians 4:26 

I think it’s important to note, that feeling anger is not sin.  But lashing out to others when you are angry is, and this is very easy to do, because anger is a fiery emotion. 

It’s best when feeling angry to take time to be alone and process why you are feeling angry and then give it to God.  Don’t hold on to anger.  I think this can be devastating to your heart and physical health.  Anger needs to be released in healthy ways. 

Exercise, sing, dance, worship God, pray, paint or do something creative and expressive like writing.  We all need an outlet to our emotions to keep us healthy and strong.

God bless and take care of yourself,

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