Tuesday, May 2, 2017

The coat of many colors...

“Don’t be afraid.  Am I in the place of God?  You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.”  Genesis 50:20

When reviewing Joseph’s life many would say, (as I have heard before) “I want the character but not the curriculum.” 

Joseph’s story is truly amazing- born as the favorite child of his father he was lavished with love and affection and a coat of many colors that he flaunted before his brothers.  Naturally, as any child born to a parent that feels another child is favored, his brothers grew jealous but it was to the point of wanting to murder Joseph; though they ended up selling him into slavery.  Joseph, who was once the favored son, was now an indentured servant. 

But God remembered Joseph and granted him favor in the eyes of his master wherever he went.  He ended up in jail because his master’s wife also favored Joseph, but even there God would prosper him.

Many people wonder why God allows innocent people to suffer.  But we have to look at the suffering of Jesus to prove God’s point.  Suffering produces merciful servants of the living Christ.  Suffering when consecrated to Christ produces Mercy that touches the heart of God and enables him to hear our prayers and even change the destiny of a nation. 

After Jesus died he went to the right hand of the Father where he lives to intercede on our behalf. (Romans 8:34) Jesus is our ultimate intercessor. 

Joseph, through the course of his life also became a righteous merciful intercessor.  Joseph went from slave to prisoner to 2nd in command to Pharaoh.  It was quite a journey for this young man. There was heartache, pain, and great loss for Joseph but it didn’t end there. There would also be great restoration. Eventually God would raise him up over the entire land of Egypt.  He would provide food for the multitudes and save the land of Egypt from a great famine.

In the end, the mercy of God extended even to Joseph’s elderly father, Jacob.  He would get to see Joseph again before he died.  Joseph’s love, mercy and forgiveness extended to his once jealous brothers.  In the end, He would provide for them and their families.

“So then, don’t be afraid.  I will provide for you and your children.  And he reassured them and spoke kindly to them.”  Genesis 50:21

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