Monday, May 8, 2017

The Spirit of Hope

The Spirit of Jesus is the Spirit of Hope.  If Jesus lives inside your heart-he will always be infusing your daily life of work, service, prayer, worship, and whatever gifts he has equipped you with-with hope, with joy, with peace, with encouragement. 

Don’t wait for others to encourage you, or to bring you hope.  Encourage yourselves; bring yourselves hope with the Spirit of Jesus who is alive in you.  Find out what He has gifted you to do, and do it!  Don’t hold back, or give in to what is not life. 

A piece of heaven lives inside you- God didn’t leave us alone, to death and despair, and to what is dark and evil.  He brought us the “light of life" to dwell among men. 

Jesus will always point you to love, hope, faith, joy, peace, kindness, goodness, gentleness and faithfulness because that is His Way.  That was the life he lived on earth, and the life he gave as an example for us to follow. 

Be Encouraged- You worshiper of God.  “Worship Him in the Splendor of Holiness.”  Psalm 96:9

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