Sunday, May 14, 2017

A Fruitful Vineyard

If we are able to be fully present to our friends when we are with them, our absence too will bear many fruits. Our friends will say: “He visited me” or “She visited me,” and discover in our absence the lasting grace of our presence.  Henri Nouwen

In life, in our travels, places we have worshiped, places we have visited, places we have lived, places we have worked and after we have left; it’s the fruit of our presence that remains.

Wherever we have offered our gentle and humble presence, the fruits of our presence will remain long after we are gone. 

People, who have offered us their presence in ways that have shaped, molded, mentored and encouraged us we remember with a fondness even though they are no longer present in our lives.  Though, the seeds they have planted remain.

It’s a mystery of the spiritual life.  Jesus says “It’s better for you that I go away.”  John 16:7.  When the physical body of Jesus left, His Holy Spirit (presence) remained with us. 

God works in our presence and in our absence.  What we need to do is remain faithful to the call to be present to those around us, and plant seeds of faith, so long after we are gone the seeds of our presence will remain and grow into a fruitful vine.

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