“For you know better
than I
You know the way
I’ve let go, the need
to know why
Cause you know better
than I” (From Joseph, King of Dreams)
When Jesus hung from the Cross, what do you think the Father
felt? It’s truly a mystery. I don’t think we will ever understand why the
redemption of mankind had to be that way; the death of God’s perfect son. In our heads we know that God required a
sacrifice of blood for sin, but in our hearts we can’t comprehend it. We do know that God, the Father is a good
father. He’s loving. He’s merciful. He’s compassionate. He’s just. God always sees the big
picture-Jesus conquered death once and for all and made a way for eternal
redemption for all Mankind.
So, in thinking of Jesus and looking at the life of Joseph
we understand that God doesn’t always rescue us right away; He doesn’t always
prohibit difficult journeys, and bumpy terrain.
Sometimes He allows us to struggle and find our way. But there will always be a light at the end
of the tunnel if we have the courage to walk through it.
We all wish life was easier, we all wish life was carefree,
we all wish life was bright sunny days.
Though, that’s not entirely His way-here on earth. We want to know why shadows, darkness, and
trauma have shaded our lives, but in the end we have to let go of our need to
know why. Because God knows better than
I; He ultimately sees the big picture of our lives.
Another Bible Character who knew difficult terrain was King
David. He was a Shepherd, A Psalmist, A
Warrior, A poet, a prophet, a worshiper, and the anointed King over Israel. When David was first anointed King he still
had a very long and treacherous journey before He actually became King of
Israel. He experienced hardship,
ridicule, rejection and heartache and yet He was anointed by God.
“Christ” comes from the Greek word Christos, meaning “anointed
“Consider Jesus who did not consider equality with man as
something to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a
servant and He humbled himself to death on a cross.” Philippians 2:6-8
Joseph and David both knew what it was like to be a servant,
to be considered as nothing, to take the lowest place. Sure there may have been
resistance in them, but it took a long time before he gave them the job he
anointed them to do. Why? I think God cares more about humble hearts
than anything else. Humility is God’s
ultimate plan. That’s why he doesn’t
always choose people born into privilege.
God loves the underdog; the one people least expect. The one people have underestimated probably
all their lives.
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