Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Keeping Pace

Sitting and looking out my window is a trend.  I am like a cat on a windowsill on a rainy afternoon looking for some sun.  I see a man and his son, both of African descent walk down my street.  The man has his hand on the back of his son and this image touches me.  The son with his over- sized jacket and backpack walking next to his father; keeping pace.  The son’s shorter legs is trying to keep up with the fast pace of his father’s.  His backpack falls a little off the side of his arm.  They are most definitely heading some place together.  Maybe home from a long day at school and work.  I don’t know where they are going, but they are together; father supporting his son, and son trying to be like his father. 

It makes me think how important it is to keep pace with our Heavenly Father, who walks beside us, who offers us a hand of support, who smiles when our growing legs are trying to emulate the strength and agility of his own.

This image of father and son is one of love and so is a loving God who longs to Father us just as and where we are.  

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