Tuesday, May 3, 2016

College Days

“Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.”  Psalm 119:105

I remember singing that verse as a song back in college when I was new to the Word and to Christ.  

I went to school in Amherst, Massachusetts with its rolling hills and frequent trips to downtown for “Antonio’s Pizza”.  College for me was far more than just getting an academic education.

I remember I would go to the top of the Library, 22 stories high and bring my text books and Bible.

I would end up doing word search after word search of the Bible in study more than my academics.

I would go home back to my dorm filled with the Word. I consumed it.  It became a light unto my path there in Amherst, and still today in Everett.

I may not do as many Word searches today, because the Word is in my heart. 

Often a scripture verse will come to memory and I will immediately look it up. 

It’s usually exactly what I need to hear to encourage and strengthen me in my daily walk.

Starting at the age of 18, and still today at the age of 42, I can honestly say that the Word and the Lord are a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path!

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