I thought I heard somewhere
deep in my soul tonight, “Your dreams delight me.” I read somewhere that part of what makes us
alive is having dreams. I wrote
somewhere that there is something of the impossible in dreams. That’s what makes them so amazing when they
find fulfillment.
We are a people full of
dreams. It’s never too late to dream, no
matter what age or decade you are living out from. What if you learned a new
skill? Or dusted off that old piano? You might resurrect a gift lying deep and dormant
in your heart and soul. Dream, Dream, and
Dream again.
I know we probably all have
had experience in death of dreams never fully realized. Perhaps we thought and hoped our life would
turn out one way and we would become someone in our youth and now we have hit
middle-age. The good news is this may
not be by mistake. Perhaps God has longed
to awake something new in you. Perhaps
he is directing you on another path of your gifting and calling. There could be
something in you that you would have never guessed or imagined can happen in
your lifetime.
We must listen to the
stirrings of our heart. We must respond
and be bold enough to walk in that direction.
Who are you called to be? No
doubt God finds you delightful. Just ask
him and be brave! Take a risk, take a
step and Jump! He’ll be there to catch
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