Saturday, May 28, 2016

Choosing God

“Nothing is less in power than the heart and far from commanding, we are forced to obey it, said Jean Rousseau.  Our heart will carry us either to God or to addiction.”

We are a people full of desire.  What do we do with our desire for more?  Either we will attach our desire to lesser gods, such as addictions or we will surrender our Desire to the One True God.

We don’t need more things!  We need intimacy with God and with a few chosen others.  How far a hug goes, an encouraging word, an “I love you” after a hard day.  We desire closeness.  We are relational through and through, just as a Loving God who created us and longs to be near us.

So, next time you think of choosing that thing that ends up feeling empty and hollow when you’re though.  Why not call out to a Loving God to meet you.  And call a friend, or two.  So you know you are not alone in the struggle.

Choose God over your addiction and you will find true life and Joy in the process.

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