Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Growth happens!

Growth happens if we are patient.  Spring is the best teacher of this.  We look out our window and see a bare tree and then suddenly before we know it blossoms appear.  As a preschool teacher I have waited and watched every spring for cocoons to shed and butterflies to emerge.  Often the butterflies emerge mysteriously when we haven’t noticed.  Change takes time, but Growth happens. 

Often we don’t like waiting for growth to appear, but when it does we are full of Joy and forget all about the time we have waited. 

Jesus talks about being the Vine and refers to us as the branches.  He tells us, “If you remain in me you will bear much fruit.” John 15:5   Jesus also says, “I have told you this so that my Joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete.” John 15:11 

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