Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Jesus, The Man!

“I am the way and the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father but by me.” Jesus of Nazareth

Life can be summed up in one statement:  We need Jesus!

There is so much that he offers us- the freedom of forgiveness, new life, hope, peace, love, healing and so much more…

Why not Jesus?  The Pharisees couldn’t shut him up.  He would just show up and do the impossible.

He would encounter people and speak to the real need of their hearts and heal them physically, and emotionally.

He called and chose men and women to be in his inner circle.  He did not discriminate between Jews, Gentiles, or Samaritans.  He visited all their homes and ate at their dinner tables, content to be with sinners and saints.  He was as one of them, a man.

He shared the same weaknesses, vulnerabilities, and frailties as a human being but he offered up his life as a perfect sacrifice; never doing any wrong, completely pure at heart he was attacked by the world that couldn’t stand true love. 

He still loved anyway, and He still loves us today.  And he offers us the freedom to come to him, to choose him, just as and where we are.

Monday, May 30, 2016


The days and years go by really slowly if you think about it and live in the moment.  The seasons take time to change and the years pass by.  You never really know what comes next.  Its true one season will end and another will begin.  Life with God is moving and exciting.  I’m happy to have lived 42 years here on earth.  The people, places and things I have experienced both good and bad add to my character.  If it wasn’t for difficult times, I would not have compassion to give to others who are hurting.  If it wasn’t for good times, I wouldn’t have the Joy to share with others who are celebrating.  Joy and pain are a happy marriage.  They are both needed to help us grow.  Life is never perfect, but my soul deeply rejoices, and that has to be enough!

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Choosing God

“Nothing is less in power than the heart and far from commanding, we are forced to obey it, said Jean Rousseau.  Our heart will carry us either to God or to addiction.”

We are a people full of desire.  What do we do with our desire for more?  Either we will attach our desire to lesser gods, such as addictions or we will surrender our Desire to the One True God.

We don’t need more things!  We need intimacy with God and with a few chosen others.  How far a hug goes, an encouraging word, an “I love you” after a hard day.  We desire closeness.  We are relational through and through, just as a Loving God who created us and longs to be near us.

So, next time you think of choosing that thing that ends up feeling empty and hollow when you’re though.  Why not call out to a Loving God to meet you.  And call a friend, or two.  So you know you are not alone in the struggle.

Choose God over your addiction and you will find true life and Joy in the process.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Mary's Dream

I read a story on Facebook about a little girl with Down ’s syndrome who befriended a boy in the 4th grade.  The boy always watched out for her and included her and he even made a promise to take her to the prom in high school.  Later they would lose touch but as fate would have it through a football game they would reconnect in high school.  The boy knew he had to make good on his promise and he ended up taking her to the prom.

This story really touches my heart but not because Mary has Down’s syndrome and a popular high school quarterback took her to the prom.  This story touches my heart because Mary’s story is so connected to my own...

Longing to be looked after, protected, included and made to feel special.  As a little girl who grows into a woman we long for these things from a Loving and Living God.

Mary’s dream becomes our dream.

-Story comes from littlethings.com (In Fourth Grade he made her a promise.  Now watch what he does 7 years later! I’m stunned!) By Emerald Pellot

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Love roots us!

You are loved!  It’s what Jesus needed to hear from his father before he went out in public ministry…"This is my beloved son or daughter in whom my favor rests.”

It’s what we all need to hear and know when we face life challenges because love roots us.  It keeps us standing on solid ground when the storms of life shake us a little bit.

Love roots us and enables us to grow beyond our circumstances.  Grow into men and women of faith…Faith that can move mountains.

Knowing beyond a shadow of doubt that God loves us enables us to rise up and be over-comers. 

Listen to the voice of Love today, calling your name and telling you simply and clearly, “You are loved”.  Let the doubt, anger, anxiety and worry melt away.

“God is fighting for us
God is on our side
He has overcome
Yes He has overcome
We will not be shaken
We will not be moved
Jesus You are here”

In Jesus name (Worship Song)

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Holy Longing (a poem)

Only you can tend to me
beautiful rose garden/
beautiful rose bush.

Only you understand,
The fleshy thorns
protecting, covering,
inflicting, you/me.

Many bees, and others
dance to nestle close
and drink from your
nectar. And you no
less lovely, and lavish
as before.

But they soon shall
leave satisfied, and
we still unsatisfied.
Once again alone
in Holy Longing...

For eternal shelter,
eternal shade, eternal
redemption in which
you were made and
always will be created

A symbol of strength
and beauty swaying
towards eternal life.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

The 4 P's.

If I could be remembered as anything in this world let it be that I was a prayerful person.

One of my favorite rituals started by my beloved husband is kneeling by our bed at nighttime and praying together.  It feels very childlike to me.  We pray for a lot of things and people, but probably the most repetitive prayers I have is for God's constant presence, peace, provision and protection over our lives; the 4 P's.  It's what I hope for every day as I get into my car and make my way out into the world.  It's what I hope for when my husband works his long days and returns home in the evenings. It's what I hope for when I think about my loved ones and family members and their life stories. It's always there in the back of my mind and heart  that God's peace, presence, protection and provision would be with us in intimate ways.   That my life story would reveal the presence of a Living and Loving God that chooses to befriend us and enters into our life stories as a guide and helpmate.

Never give up believing in him and always acknowledge his ways are peaceable, present, protective, and provisional and so much more...

"Savior...He can move the mountains.  My God is mighty to save.  He is mighty to save. Forever, author of salvation.  He rose and conquered the grave, Jesus conquered the grave."  Mighty to Save (worship song)

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Life is precious!

Life is precious.  Life is fragile.  Life is a rare gift to be cherished every day.  We don’t know how long we will live here on earth; we don’t know how long our loved ones will live.  Our tomorrows aren’t promised to us.  All we have is today.  All we have is that person right in front of us.  All we have is this moment.  Let us make the most of our moments here on earth.  Let us live with renewed vision of God’s love for us, and of God’s love for our brothers and sisters here on earth.  Let our lives speak to His love and His promises.

Dear God give us your heart of compassion and love for every member of the human race.  Help us to see others how you see them in need of divine mercy and grace. 

Service with a smile!

Where are you called to serve?  Do you offer your service with a smile?

My husband and I stopped by “Boston Market” for lunch one Sunday afternoon.  Honestly, it was my second choice, but we went and encountered an older gentleman as our server.

We ordered what we wanted but he informed us of other options that we might prefer.  Usually I stick with my order, but it was hard to resist taking him up on his offer.  I was almost in shock, that just by offering us more information of options available and by asking us good questions we were able to leave more satisfied with our food choices.  It’s almost like he intuitively knew what we would really prefer to eat.

When we got home, I told my husband, that man was such a good server.  He was quiet, present, and humble and smiled often.  He almost had an intuitive sense of the customers he was serving.

I felt really blessed by our encounter with him.  It makes me think how often Jesus chose humble places and humble people to make his presence known.  

Saturday, May 14, 2016

My Place in this World

Donnie McClurkin and Michael W. Smith sing a beautiful song together called, “My Place in this World.”

This has been a cry of my heart and I think many to find our place here on earth, to belong to a vision and to find purposeful work.

“Show me, I’m looking for a reason, roamin’ through the night to find my place in this world, my place in this world. Not a lot to lean on I need your light to help me find my place in this world.” 

I think part of finding our place comes with prayer and coming alongside of other prayerful people on the same journey. Also being connected to church, family, and community helps.

It’s important to know our gifts, our strengths and our weaknesses.  God can use it all for his Glory.  Perhaps you have found a meaningful place of connection and that is indeed a great gift to be cherished.

If not you can ask him, and I believe He will show you and make that place known to you.  It’s not easy to find, and quite possibly our hearts will never fully be satisfied until we reach heaven, fully given and fully received by the Father.

But I believe there is still hope for us in the here and now.  It’s part of asking and believing that God will make a way and honor our seeking.  

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Growth happens!

Growth happens if we are patient.  Spring is the best teacher of this.  We look out our window and see a bare tree and then suddenly before we know it blossoms appear.  As a preschool teacher I have waited and watched every spring for cocoons to shed and butterflies to emerge.  Often the butterflies emerge mysteriously when we haven’t noticed.  Change takes time, but Growth happens. 

Often we don’t like waiting for growth to appear, but when it does we are full of Joy and forget all about the time we have waited. 

Jesus talks about being the Vine and refers to us as the branches.  He tells us, “If you remain in me you will bear much fruit.” John 15:5   Jesus also says, “I have told you this so that my Joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete.” John 15:11 

Thursday, May 5, 2016


I thought I heard somewhere deep in my soul tonight, “Your dreams delight me.”  I read somewhere that part of what makes us alive is having dreams.  I wrote somewhere that there is something of the impossible in dreams.  That’s what makes them so amazing when they find fulfillment. 

We are a people full of dreams.  It’s never too late to dream, no matter what age or decade you are living out from. What if you learned a new skill? Or dusted off that old piano? You might resurrect a gift lying deep and dormant in your heart and soul.  Dream, Dream, and Dream again.

I know we probably all have had experience in death of dreams never fully realized.  Perhaps we thought and hoped our life would turn out one way and we would become someone in our youth and now we have hit middle-age.  The good news is this may not be by mistake.  Perhaps God has longed to awake something new in you.  Perhaps he is directing you on another path of your gifting and calling. There could be something in you that you would have never guessed or imagined can happen in your lifetime.

We must listen to the stirrings of our heart.  We must respond and be bold enough to walk in that direction.

Who are you called to be? No doubt God finds you delightful.  Just ask him and be brave!  Take a risk, take a step and Jump!  He’ll be there to catch you.  

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Keeping Pace

Sitting and looking out my window is a trend.  I am like a cat on a windowsill on a rainy afternoon looking for some sun.  I see a man and his son, both of African descent walk down my street.  The man has his hand on the back of his son and this image touches me.  The son with his over- sized jacket and backpack walking next to his father; keeping pace.  The son’s shorter legs is trying to keep up with the fast pace of his father’s.  His backpack falls a little off the side of his arm.  They are most definitely heading some place together.  Maybe home from a long day at school and work.  I don’t know where they are going, but they are together; father supporting his son, and son trying to be like his father. 

It makes me think how important it is to keep pace with our Heavenly Father, who walks beside us, who offers us a hand of support, who smiles when our growing legs are trying to emulate the strength and agility of his own.

This image of father and son is one of love and so is a loving God who longs to Father us just as and where we are.  


If trees could talk, what would they say?  Aged, bark peeled off, mossy.  Yet they provide shade to homes, and become homes to animals.

Rooted and strong, yet can me toppled by a hurricane.  They are a symbol of wholeness and brokenness. 

I was always amazed when God called Nathanael, he said, “I saw you under the fig tree.” (John 1:48) Jesus noticed what kind of tree it was when he called Nathanael.  There was purpose in him noticing.

In Genesis, of the Bible when he warned Adam and Eve, He said, “You must not eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil for surely you will die.”  (Genesis 2:17)

After they sinned against him, he put up a boundary and said, “You must not take from the tree of life and live forever.” (Genesis 3:22)

If trees could talk, what would they say?  They have been part of our existence from the beginning of time.

Of course the Cross, Jesus died on in His passion was also referred to as a tree. (Galatians 3:13)

There is life, death and calling hidden within the Trees of our existence.  We must go there and not be afraid of what Trees speak to us.

College Days

“Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.”  Psalm 119:105

I remember singing that verse as a song back in college when I was new to the Word and to Christ.  

I went to school in Amherst, Massachusetts with its rolling hills and frequent trips to downtown for “Antonio’s Pizza”.  College for me was far more than just getting an academic education.

I remember I would go to the top of the Library, 22 stories high and bring my text books and Bible.

I would end up doing word search after word search of the Bible in study more than my academics.

I would go home back to my dorm filled with the Word. I consumed it.  It became a light unto my path there in Amherst, and still today in Everett.

I may not do as many Word searches today, because the Word is in my heart. 

Often a scripture verse will come to memory and I will immediately look it up. 

It’s usually exactly what I need to hear to encourage and strengthen me in my daily walk.

Starting at the age of 18, and still today at the age of 42, I can honestly say that the Word and the Lord are a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path!

Sunday, May 1, 2016


We start walking together, and he ends up way ahead of me as I follow.  I decide I don’t want to follow; I want to sit down on the beach and feel a little disappointed that we aren’t together.  Should I go back to the car?  I’m cold.  But I end up walking towards my husband’s path.  I can’t see him.  I wonder if I should just go back to the car and wait.  Then I decide to be a little dangerous and climb these rocks to look over at the beach.  As soon as I get to the top, I see my husband walking towards me on the rocks.  I smile, we are walking toward one another now and he playfully pretends that he’s falling.

We meet each other on the rocks, both happy to have found each other once again.  He asks me to lead this time as he follows me at this height.  It feels risky and slightly dangerous up here.  I keep thinking I hope I don’t slip and fall, but I keep on walking.  I tell him that it’s a little scary up here, as I realize I definitely have a fear of heights.

He tells me, “It doesn’t matter how much the terrain changes, you just need to adapt to what God wants you to do.”

I feel bolder and more confident now.  I am grateful for my husband’s wise words and for the God that challenges me to go to new heights and beckons me to follow, and walk towards him.