Friday, February 24, 2017

Lost Treasure

The thing about Jesus is that he values, “One Life”.  He would be walking, people crowding him, pressing into him, and yet he noticed that one life.  Perhaps he notices what no one else notices…

“The woman who touched the hem of his garmet, the blind man that cried out, “Jesus, son of David have mercy on me.”  Zaccheus who climbed a tree, the Samaritan woman who walked alone in the dead of the heat to get water.”

Jesus notices that one life and values it immensely and that’s what makes him so unique and amazing. 

Perhaps our lives are measured by who we notice as we walk along the path; as we stop and talk to people, and invite them into our homes.  Jesus always notices.

The Good Shepherd will leave the many to go find that one caught in the thicket.

If we only knew how much Jesus values the lost soul, the desperate, the lonely and the wounded.

If you are like me and are one, or all of the above, I want you to know that Jesus notices you and values you more than Gold or Silver.  He will search for you like lost treasure until he finds you and brings you safely home.

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