Friday, February 24, 2017

Even Angels

The one prayer that is like a wave gathered in a sea of prayers is, “Jesus, Son of David, Have Mercy on me.”  Jesus will never pass you by when you pray such a prayer.

He heard Bartimaeus sitting on the side of the road, and He healed him.

He heard the tax collector standing at a distance, and He forgave him.

The humble and desperate prayers of these seekers caught Jesus’ attention.

This morning, as I was praying this prayer God gave me a vision of the Cross- and I standing as one of the many people gathered there all seeking deliverance by His sovereign mercy; the flow of blood and water from His side, which heals and cleanses all infirmities and sets men and women free to walk faithfully.

Who else can claim such a Merciful Savior as I?  Even Angels long to look into these things. 1 Peter 1:12

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