Wednesday, December 28, 2016

The Fruits

Henri Nouwen states,

"There is a great difference between successfulness and fruitfulness. Success comes from strength, control, and respectability. A successful person has the energy to create something, to keep control over its development, and to make it available in large quantities. Success brings many rewards and often fame. Fruits, however, come from weakness and vulnerability. And fruits are unique. A child is the fruit conceived in vulnerability, community is the fruit born through shared brokenness, and intimacy is the fruit that grows through touching one another’s wounds. Let’s remind one another that what brings us true joy is not successfulness but fruitfulness."

When you combine your giftedness with shared weakness and vulnerability that’s where the true glory lies.  You see the fruits, we leave behind.

Jesus was powerful but he was also vulnerable and he died on a cross.  That was not successful in the world’s eye.  But it was his way to show the world that his greatest gift to the world is also where his greatest vulnerability and weakness lie.  His suffering created a community of believers who would keep the dream alive.  Who would come after him empowered by the Holy Spirit to go out and touch lives.  His death brought about the communion of saints, the Apostles first creed, and the early church; a sisterhood and brotherhood of devoted believers.

 His death released unto his children an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade.

This inheritance is kept in heaven for you, 1Peter 1:4

Monday, December 19, 2016


St. Augustine said, “Thou hast made us for thyself, O Lord, and our heart is restless until it finds its rest in thee.”

What causes restlessness?  Is it the ups and downs of life?  Is it the yearning for the desires of our heart; dreams fulfilled, and destiny unfolding..

There is so much that aches within a human heart.  And as we age the ache grows deeper, perhaps it purifies us to receive the promise…to receive the gift that only God can give in His way and timing.

What do we do when sorrow and passion dance together?  Do they kiss? Do they reach out? Do they become the Holy Ground in which we live?

Indeed happiness and Joy surprises us.  We would cling to these feelings forever…People are attracted to those qualities of the heart.  We desperately need them, but the wiser teachers, the guides, the ones that show us the deeper way can be of the more sobering kind.

The life of God in us is a complete mystery.  The times, the ages, the decades, the memories that live within us.  It’s incredible what a lifetime of years will give. We need to respect the aging process in our lives.

Let us not cling solely to the years of our youth, though truth be told, God does renew our youth like the eagle’s.  But it is a renewed vision, where innocence and wisdom live deep within our beings. 

Oh Happy Day, when Jesus washed my sins away!  This is my story.  This is my song.  Praising my Savior all the daylong!

Tuesday, December 13, 2016


“I have learned the secret of being content in any and every circumstance.  I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.” Philippians 4:11

What is true freedom?  Is it having it all?  Wealth, Fame, Marital Harmony, Walking in the fullness of Your Life and Calling?

Freeing as some of those realities could be, can you really say that is true freedom?

When you consider David, in the Bible; it took a long time before he became king of Israel. And the result, did he became smug and lazy?  

He had it all, and then he fell.  He sinned against God and had an extramarital affair, which caused death and grievous sorrow to all involved.  Sin has a ripple effect.  Sin doesn’t only affect the one, who is sinning, but also his or her family members, friends, co-workers, and others that are in their inner circle. 

I think of the Apostle, Paul.  He had it all and then left it all to follow Christ, in simplicity, and in humility.  He knew what it was to be in fullness and to be empty in need of hand-outs from friends and strangers.  He knew the ability to give and receive.  He knew God was solely his daily provision.  That contentment was great gain, and gave him the ability beyond circumstances to trust in the hand of God that worked all things together for his good.

True Freedom?  It will never be solely found when things are simply going well, because we are so easily tempted to trust in perfect circumstances.  Life is never perfect.  It has its ebbs and flows. 

There is a time and season for everything.  There is death and life, there is Joy and Sorrow.  No one is exempt from pain and suffering, but also from God’s love and goodness in their lives.

Let us not trust merely in circumstances going our way.  Let us be content with God’s daily freedom however he chooses to give it.  Let us live peaceably with our neighbor.

Sunday, December 4, 2016

One Starry Evening

One starry evening,
One traveling night,
A child was born;
God’s delight.

In, no ordinary
Way, and no
Ordinary reason;
Joy entered into
Our world, for
One sacred season.

Love, Hope, Peace
Is what our hearts
Truly desired.  He
Was the reason
Our dreams aspired.

Let us remember
The Savior’s birth,
Mary’s magnified

Soul of great worth!

Monday, November 21, 2016

Light of the World

Light of the World,
He wore a Crown of thorns.
Beautiful Savior,
Destined to Die,
He wore a Crown of thorns.
Lover, teacher, and guide,
He wore a Crown of Thorns.
Laid down his life,
He wore a Crown of Thorns.
Child of God, chosen and
He wore a Crown of Thorns.
Entered into Eternal Rest…
He wore a Crown of Thorns.

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Mystery (a poem)

There is mystery in me.

I can’t see it.
I can’t touch it.
I can’t hear it.

It’s beyond intellect or feelings,
Or any of the five senses.

I wonder how
It’s painted
In the picture
Of my life...

Dark clouds,

Sun streaming
In, layers of
Fog, rainbows,

A following,

But it so often
Eludes me except
In my dreams.

In reality,
I lay awake,
In my own


Thursday, November 17, 2016

Daily Bread

“Even the dogs; eat the crumbs that fall from the Master’s Table.”  Matthew 15:27

“God it doesn’t feel good.  But I have to trust you!”

 Most of our life we have no idea what God is doing at the present moment.  We truly have to trust him for our Daily Bread.  Sometimes we may be in fullness, joy and freedom.  Other times we are struggling to eat crumbs off the table.  But God has our good in mind.  It’s never solely about us.  He is always doing something in us, for us and others.  We neither can keep our eyes on ourselves, our children, or adults that may be in our inner circle.  We must keep our eyes solely on Jesus.  He does speak to us in Amazing ways, but it may be costly, and it may come in smallness, in stillness, or a whisper.

Let’s hope we don’t miss it by the cry of our own imperfect heart.  The heart that wants to be on top, the heart that wants to be the favorite, the heart that wants to be the leader, the heart that wants to be in control.  The heart that wants it all!

Sometimes the best place for us is eating crumbs off the Master’s table.  It keeps us in a humble place, needing God and not striving in our own self- sufficiency and strength. 

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Eternal Perspective

"There can be no deep disappointment, where there is not also deep love."  MLKJ

We will always have deep disappointments in this life.  It's inevitable!  But we have to receive the deep love of Christ that goes wider and deeper than any human disappointments we may face in our families, in our communities, and across this global empire...

We need love to break through the chains, the barriers, the hostility.  We need the voice of Love to guide us in our thoughts and actions.  We need deep humility.

Christ is always the answer.  He walked through life with the power of love that touches, heals and changes lives.  He challenged the establishment without fear and in speaking the truth in love He ultimately laid down his life.

He chose to have an eternal perspective.  The kingdom of God will come to earth, because the power of God is still alive in the church and in the voices of men and women throughout history, who dared to believe, and influence change within their communities with an eternal perspective alive in their hearts and minds.

Friday, November 11, 2016


“There is so much in us that can bless another person.  There is so much good we can do to bless this world. But even in our own brokenness,

and feelings of deep disappointment that can overshadow the truth of our hidden selves, we much reach out to love others beyond reason, and trust in the Love of God who tears down the dividing walls and builds bridges towards freedom…”

Cherished Gifts

Your gifts were made to bring hope to others…
Even if nobody ever believed in your gifts,
Even if nobody ever invested in your gifts,
Even if your gifts were never employed…
You have to believe that your gifts are
Of vital importance and value to the
Kingdom of God.

God created you with your gifts
In mind, to bring life, love, hope, and
Laughter to others and to bring
Fulfillment, satisfaction and
Pleasure to your own heart and the
Heart of those who bear witness
To the Gift that was born in silence
And the gift that was cherished in
Your mother’s womb before you were
Ever born…

Silent Protest

We want answers,
To stop the shrieking,
Pain, and protests.
Yet noise, does
Not heal a country
We must wait
In Silence,
For the voice of
God alone;
The Almighty,
That breaks the
Cedars and
Restrains the
with a song
Of peace, to
Those near
and far.

(Isaiah 57:19)

Saturday, October 29, 2016

The Hope of Glory

What else do we have but our Passion for the Lord?

He is our only Hope.  Let the longing of our hearts drive us to God.

For only in Him can we rest secure.  He is our safety zone.

The winds, the temptations, the hidden desires to self-destruct are real.  But whom shall we go?  He holds the keys to eternal life.  He is our living Hope.  He is our Living Word. In Him we find true salvation.

The storms of life do shake us a bit.  The lifelong effects of pain hidden in our bodies.  We have to let it go.  We have to cling to God.

For only In Him can we find a true refuge. We are safe and secure in the arms of Jesus.

My Hope is in the Lord, from this day on forevermore.  My Hope is in the Lord…forevermore….

For its Christ in me the Hope of Glory...(Colossians 1:27)

Friday, October 28, 2016

The Deep Well

Grace is the deep well that never runs dry…

Just when you are about to give up, Just when you think you are lost, Just when you think you have nothing left to give…

Grace shows up in her array of Glory.

You, see the fountain doesn’t run dry with Grace.

Grace is the gift that keeps giving.  Grace is the Spirit of the Living Christ, alive and at work in you…

His Love is never ending…You can’t exhaust Him! Neither Foe, nor friend.

That’s why he says, “Come to the waters all ye who are thirsty.  Come buy wine and milk without money or cost…” (Isaiah)

God is the eternal Good news.  He keeps everything flowing and going, like the fervent waters just around the river bend.

When you think you can’t go on…Just go a little bit further and then, God will appear perhaps unrecognized but you will sense the wind in your sails.

Keep Trusting,  Keep forgiving, and Keep believing in the one who will never die, give up, or run dry.

He is the fountain of our eternal youth…

Sunday, October 23, 2016


“I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.” Henry David Thoreau

We hunger to live from a place of desire.  The desire that is God given and resides in the deepest place of our hearts.

The problem is that desire can be misplaced and fuel addiction and fantasy. 

Also, as our hearts become alive with desire we may find heartache, loss and disappointment of unfulfilled dreams.

What do we do with desire?  How to we offer it to God and allow it to shape its place in our life?

Desire will lead us to Humility.  For only God is in control of our desires.  Only God can feed and lead us.  Only God can satisfy our hunger with good things.

Ultimately, desire led Jesus to the Cross.   His desire was always to be one with the Father and to gather the little children to himself. 

"Father, I desire that they also, who you have give me, be with me where I am, so that they may see my glory which you have given me, for you loved me before the foundation of the World."  John 17:24-26

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

A Pleasing Sacrifice

Jesus is always inviting us to die (surrender) so others can live.  From birth our parents give and sacrifice so we can have a better life.  As we age we delight in the brilliance and creativity of youth.  The more selfless we grow, we learn to let go, make room, take the last place, adorn others with Glory and Grace. 

Perhaps that’s the invitation of Christ, come die ( surrender) with me…

Be my Friend…
Give over with me.
Stop the fighting, the
competing, the
comparison, the

The sacrifice is worth it. 
You get to know me,
You get my intimacy.

In that day, you will
Smile while all the
Beautiful ones
You have left 

And you will take
My hand and walk
On that well-lit path,


Monday, October 10, 2016

Wedding Canopy

Silence enters into my restful soul,
As I sit and wait;

Listen to the pitter
Patter of the rain, gently falling,

Cleansing my thoughts, I turn to
God and pray.

I wonder to the one who is able,
The one who broods over me,

Like a wedding canopy, hovering

I enter into a soulful
Presence, a being that is bigger
Than any human accolade.

I am enlarged, I hold his meeting
Tent, and he holds me in the palm
Of his nail scarred hands.

We dance…

I am yours.
You are mine.

Eternally grateful to
Take your hand.

Sunday, October 2, 2016

The Neighborhood

Living here,

I’ve seen things
Come and go.

The steady, the
Constant, reminding
Me to let go,

and make room for

The comfort
Of a tree that
Would blossom
Every Spring

And encourage
Me to hope
For Future things-

Now cut down
And gone.

The presence
Of a girl,

Who helped
Me not feel

now left
And Gone, like
The Tree.

Letting go…

I wonder?

Now what
New faces
will I see?

Who will
Emerge from

What new
Blossoms will
Awaken me?

From Evergreens
To the fire of
a burning bush?


My true home is not
Here on Earth…


I must be constantly
letting go..


With my face
Turned towards
Heaven's son...

Thursday, September 29, 2016

A seed of kindness

When we look for Jesus every day we will find cruelty and war and rejection, but somewhere deep within the prison walls a sprout grows into a tree. In darkness, shadows illuminate and light reflects off the deepness and soberness of the sea.

I walk and find within the hustle and bustle of hard, and walled off faces of poverty, or the snobbery of the wealthy, a kind soul who greets me, a warm smile, a child’s hug in abandonment and affection…

I find when I meet the kindness of Jesus; it is supernatural! I can enter into the wonder and beauty of His creation with a smile, with a skip in my step.  I could walk forever with the kiss of kindness.  All becomes beauty entering into my weary soul.

Kindness isn’t always found in the most usual places…It can surprise you with its humble gifts! 

But please don’t give up.  Watch and wait and pray that somewhere out there through the wind of change, and the colder, harder seasons, a seed of kindness planted within and around you awaits to blossom in an unusual way…

Ode to Fall

Everything changes,
the cooler days, the
sun going down that
hits the leaves that
twirl and whirl while
children play and
dance upon the
broken ground.

The colors mesmerize,
as squirrels collect
acorns and scurry
and hide beneath
the hallowed trees.

The church bell
rings, the choir
sings, and we

We are awake,
We are alive,
all that is Fall

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Immanuel (God with us)

“The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel (which means God with us).  Matthew 1:23

The Greatest Gift God ever gave to his people was Jesus.  He is Immanuel, the God who is with us. 

He was born as a babe and wrapped in swaddling cloth lying in a manger.  In utter poverty he walked among the people beyond the Jordan, in Galilee and Bethlehem to Jerusalem.   

He came to live among us, to be as one of us; to feel the heart ache and pain and even separation from the Father, as He experienced on the Cross of Golgotha.

He was God with us, in utter simplicity, vulnerability, and humility he made His way to the Cross.  From power to powerlessness, from leading to being led…this was His way…

He did it to offer us a presence that never leaves us.  This is the Gift of the Holy Spirit that He released at Pentecost. 

The same Spirit that forgives us.  His Spirit, the one that carries our burdens, and sets us free to walk in joy and in freedom. 

Jesus was the promised one, Immanuel (God with us) not just with us but with every nation that would believe the prophesy to be true…

“For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders.  And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace…” Isaiah 9:6

Friday, September 23, 2016

The Power of Hope

Wondering how much we choose our life, or does life choose us?  I walk off the beaten path, onto another…and I begin to wonder?  Where am I?  Where am I going?  It feels like lostness, but yet I feel safe here on this path.  God shows up in His array of light and glory.  Often, I wander alone, but I sense His nearness beckoning me; His Word, His Voice, His Worship.

When we don’t get what we want, and we realize we are not in control of our lives it feels like little deaths, dying every day…

But the power of Hope breaks through our little deaths with a song of Love and purity…

I believe it’s the power of Hope that keeps us all alive.

Hope is our protection and safety against the devil’s lies.

Monday, September 19, 2016

Is He enough?

Is He enough?

I, guess we will be asking this until eternity.

Was He enough when He delivered the Israelites out of Pharaoh’s hand?
Was He enough when Caleb and Joshua spied the promise land?

Was He enough when Esther became queen?
Was He enough when Joseph interpreted Pharaoh’s dream?

Was He enough when David slay the giant with 5 smooth stones?
Was He enough when Ezekiel said, “Prophesy to these dry bones!”

Was He enough when Mary washed his feet with her tears?
Was He enough when He submitted to his parents all of those years?

Was He enough when they lay his body in a cold, dark tomb?
Was He enough when he rose from the dead and said, “Behold, I am coming back soon!”

Is He enough? I often wonder still? He’s the first and last, Messiah, Lamb of God…

Just Be Still….

Saturday, September 17, 2016

In this place of rest (a poem)

Where light hits
And shadows form,

There I want to
Lay my head.

Under the

I feel His
And rest.

His light
My heart
With every

I am needed

In this place of rest.

The Greatest Love of All..

You have to believe my love is greater than any loss or gain, ministry opportunity, call or career, house or financial wealth, husband, or father’s love or mother’s love,or any human love.

You have to trust in my love, though the way is hard, and dark and unclear.

You have to trust in my house (mansion) of love.  There is plenty of room for you.  I go and prepare a place for you and I will come and take you to be with me where I am.  You know the way in which I am going.

I am the way…

Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe in me as well. 

In My Father’s house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? 

And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and welcome you into my presence, so that you also may be where I am.…(John 14:1-3)

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Amazing Grace

The world is a cruel place to live;
In my endless wandering, searching
For home, community, and vocation,
I sit and wait upon the Lord.
I hear His voice tenderly reminding
me that in this world we will have trouble.
But take heart!  He has overcome the world.
Now my eyes and heart are fixed upon Jesus.
My vision is enlarged to a heavenly one.
We may be forgotten in the here and now, but
Jesus never forgets not one hair on my head.
And I am worth much more than the tiny sparrows.
My soul rejoices in the lord, my savior.
For only He can lift me up.  Only He can give me hope.
Only He can encourage me to keep my eyes upon Jesus
And His wondrous love.  He remains faithful to me to the
End.  Help me Lord to trust you for another day of your

Amazing Grace.

Friday, September 9, 2016

The Lord is my Shepherd

The Lord is my shepherd…  When you think of a shepherd, what words come to mind? For me it is…

A flock of little sheep, a rod, or staff, a following, leading and gently guiding, protecting, overseeing…

 A pasture is an open place.  I’m sure calm at times, but also exposed to the climate and elements of weather.

Where do they find shelter?  Near a rock, on a cleft of a mountain?
Shepherds need to know their terrain.  They need divine guidance to lead their sheep to safe pasture. 

The Lord is my shepherd.  The Bible refers to the Lord as the good shepherd.  And we are the sheep of his pasture.  He tends to our needs, like a good father.

The shepherd must spend a lot of time in solitude and alone with his creator.  Maybe he depends on the light of the stars during the darkest night. 

It was a starry night when the shepherds were led to the baby Jesus.  Did the shepherds carry the newborn in their arms?

I’m sure they know the tenderness and strength that the very young need.

We all need the Good Shepherd with us, leading and guiding us, protecting us, and blessing us with His presence.

The Lord is my shepherd, and he knows his sheep by name.  

Saturday, September 3, 2016

The arms of Jesus

We long for the arms of Jesus...

Arms that carry.
Arms that hold.
Arms that are strong
when we are weak.
Arms that are safe;
and we can run to
in our various trials
and times of need.

Arms that are full
of tenderness and

It is here we find
the embrace of Jesus.

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Happily Disorganized

Life is messy!  No matter how much we try to organize, plan-control!  Papers still pile up, accidents do happen, conflicts arise.  We need help!  We need God!  Only God can manage our mess in a way that is happily disorganized, as the late Mother Teresa, said.

Give God your plans, and watch him make your mess into success!