Thursday, November 17, 2016

Daily Bread

“Even the dogs; eat the crumbs that fall from the Master’s Table.”  Matthew 15:27

“God it doesn’t feel good.  But I have to trust you!”

 Most of our life we have no idea what God is doing at the present moment.  We truly have to trust him for our Daily Bread.  Sometimes we may be in fullness, joy and freedom.  Other times we are struggling to eat crumbs off the table.  But God has our good in mind.  It’s never solely about us.  He is always doing something in us, for us and others.  We neither can keep our eyes on ourselves, our children, or adults that may be in our inner circle.  We must keep our eyes solely on Jesus.  He does speak to us in Amazing ways, but it may be costly, and it may come in smallness, in stillness, or a whisper.

Let’s hope we don’t miss it by the cry of our own imperfect heart.  The heart that wants to be on top, the heart that wants to be the favorite, the heart that wants to be the leader, the heart that wants to be in control.  The heart that wants it all!

Sometimes the best place for us is eating crumbs off the Master’s table.  It keeps us in a humble place, needing God and not striving in our own self- sufficiency and strength. 

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