Saturday, October 29, 2016

The Hope of Glory

What else do we have but our Passion for the Lord?

He is our only Hope.  Let the longing of our hearts drive us to God.

For only in Him can we rest secure.  He is our safety zone.

The winds, the temptations, the hidden desires to self-destruct are real.  But whom shall we go?  He holds the keys to eternal life.  He is our living Hope.  He is our Living Word. In Him we find true salvation.

The storms of life do shake us a bit.  The lifelong effects of pain hidden in our bodies.  We have to let it go.  We have to cling to God.

For only In Him can we find a true refuge. We are safe and secure in the arms of Jesus.

My Hope is in the Lord, from this day on forevermore.  My Hope is in the Lord…forevermore….

For its Christ in me the Hope of Glory...(Colossians 1:27)

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