Saturday, September 10, 2016

Amazing Grace

The world is a cruel place to live;
In my endless wandering, searching
For home, community, and vocation,
I sit and wait upon the Lord.
I hear His voice tenderly reminding
me that in this world we will have trouble.
But take heart!  He has overcome the world.
Now my eyes and heart are fixed upon Jesus.
My vision is enlarged to a heavenly one.
We may be forgotten in the here and now, but
Jesus never forgets not one hair on my head.
And I am worth much more than the tiny sparrows.
My soul rejoices in the lord, my savior.
For only He can lift me up.  Only He can give me hope.
Only He can encourage me to keep my eyes upon Jesus
And His wondrous love.  He remains faithful to me to the
End.  Help me Lord to trust you for another day of your

Amazing Grace.

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