Tuesday, December 13, 2016


“I have learned the secret of being content in any and every circumstance.  I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.” Philippians 4:11

What is true freedom?  Is it having it all?  Wealth, Fame, Marital Harmony, Walking in the fullness of Your Life and Calling?

Freeing as some of those realities could be, can you really say that is true freedom?

When you consider David, in the Bible; it took a long time before he became king of Israel. And the result, did he became smug and lazy?  

He had it all, and then he fell.  He sinned against God and had an extramarital affair, which caused death and grievous sorrow to all involved.  Sin has a ripple effect.  Sin doesn’t only affect the one, who is sinning, but also his or her family members, friends, co-workers, and others that are in their inner circle. 

I think of the Apostle, Paul.  He had it all and then left it all to follow Christ, in simplicity, and in humility.  He knew what it was to be in fullness and to be empty in need of hand-outs from friends and strangers.  He knew the ability to give and receive.  He knew God was solely his daily provision.  That contentment was great gain, and gave him the ability beyond circumstances to trust in the hand of God that worked all things together for his good.

True Freedom?  It will never be solely found when things are simply going well, because we are so easily tempted to trust in perfect circumstances.  Life is never perfect.  It has its ebbs and flows. 

There is a time and season for everything.  There is death and life, there is Joy and Sorrow.  No one is exempt from pain and suffering, but also from God’s love and goodness in their lives.

Let us not trust merely in circumstances going our way.  Let us be content with God’s daily freedom however he chooses to give it.  Let us live peaceably with our neighbor.

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