Friday, October 28, 2016

The Deep Well

Grace is the deep well that never runs dry…

Just when you are about to give up, Just when you think you are lost, Just when you think you have nothing left to give…

Grace shows up in her array of Glory.

You, see the fountain doesn’t run dry with Grace.

Grace is the gift that keeps giving.  Grace is the Spirit of the Living Christ, alive and at work in you…

His Love is never ending…You can’t exhaust Him! Neither Foe, nor friend.

That’s why he says, “Come to the waters all ye who are thirsty.  Come buy wine and milk without money or cost…” (Isaiah)

God is the eternal Good news.  He keeps everything flowing and going, like the fervent waters just around the river bend.

When you think you can’t go on…Just go a little bit further and then, God will appear perhaps unrecognized but you will sense the wind in your sails.

Keep Trusting,  Keep forgiving, and Keep believing in the one who will never die, give up, or run dry.

He is the fountain of our eternal youth…

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