Sunday, October 1, 2017

Sabbath Rest

But in the seventh year the land is to have a year of Sabbath rest, a Sabbath to the LORD. Do not sow your fields or prune your vineyards. Leviticus 25:4

Why does the Lord call All of Creation to a Sabbath rest?  I believe it’s to become even more fruitful.  The Bible says let the land have a Sabbath rest so the poor can glean among you, and servants can be refreshed. Exodus 23:10-12

Fallow Land means according to the dictionary; plowed and harrowed but left unsown for a period in order to restore its fertility.

People need a Sabbath Rest, and so does all of Creation.  Rest enables us to become more fertile, fruitful and productive. 

It’s very hard for Americans to take a Sabbath day of rest for even one day of the week, let alone an entire year in order to pursue God in quietness and trust- where you will find your strength.

Even our gifts need to rest.  Even our gifts need Sabbath.  I’ve always felt I was gifted in the area of dance and writing, and it’s so interesting how different times in my life one gift has been more prevalent over the other. The other gift has been “resting” in a way until God begins to fan into flame. 

I’ve been writing fairly steadily for about a year, but I’m feeling God is calling me to rest from the posture of active writing.  Not to say all writing will cease, but there is a rest I’m being called to here. 

I have to laugh, maybe I’ll start dancing again, because I haven’t danced in over a year, or maybe something new will pop its head over the horizon.  It’s hard to let go of the Gifts, because they are so fulfilling, but God knows what He’s doing, maybe He’s preparing us for new terrain.  Listen and Let go….That’s the wave of the Spirit!

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