Sunday, October 29, 2017


Jesus asks something very simple of us, but difficult to live out in our day to day lives.

He asks for our devotion.  He asks for our heart, our soul, our mind; the whole of our life.

The thing is life gets cluttered with possessions, status, success, power, money, and others.  This clouds our view of Jesus, and His simple-hearted desire for us to be whole-heartedly devoted to him.

In our devotion, he is able to inhabit us in intimate and powerful ways.

The truth is we were made to Worship God in whole-hearted devotion.  He inhabits the praises of His people.

Let us Go to God and express our love to him. 

Christ should always be bigger and other things smaller.  It is a Big Letter C.  When we worship him we get just how Big he really is and how small we are in this world that we live. 

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