Sunday, October 8, 2017


What is a soul worth?  Jesus thought a soul was worth dying for. Jesus was the perfect father, the perfect lover, the perfect friend.  He thought our lives were immensely worthy to be called sons and daughters of the Most High; that’s why our struggles here on earth though real, are light and momentary compared to the Glory that will be revealed in us.  (2 Corinthians 4:17)

We need an eternal perspective every day of our lives.  We need an eternal perspective to lift us up beyond our jobs, our communities, our homes, our ailments, our struggles.  How much do we need the Church-God’s powerhouse; the place where we can run to and leave our burdens behind! A place where we can allow the simple and pure Love of Jesus to lift us up and fill us with his good Will and desire for our lives- The Truth of who we are In Him that envelopes Joy and Peace and Confidence and Hope and Love; this love that has never been ashamed of us-But calls us His very own.

Dear God please give your daughters and sons an eternal perspective, so we don’t sweat the small stuff that creeps up in our daily lives.  Help us to laugh at the days to come; to feast on the bread of heaven, and to delight in Jesus, your son.

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