Saturday, April 30, 2016

Speak Life!

I think part of being alive is noticing. Perhaps noticing the life in others.  Lovers waiting to be seated at a restaurant with her slender frame leaning against the wall, head tilted and his bold and confident voice announcing to her that the table is ready.   Noticing a beautiful woman slightly overweight and filled with style, ease and fluidity of movement in her body as she strolls by.  Such a beautiful walk I am on, noticing the city with its people, colors and attitudes that influence my way of thinking and being in this world. 

Beauty is everywhere.  What is it that you notice as you walk through life?  What captures your attention?  What makes you want to sigh and take a deep breath and smile?

There are things in life that are highlighted just for you, that makes you want to stop and notice.  What do they speak to you?  Perhaps the life in you speaks to the life in others.  

Don’t forget to stop and smell the roses.  Don’t forget to say thank you.  Don’t forget to tell someone else that they look beautiful.

These moments will pass by, but it’s what you do in them that can make all the difference.

Speak Life today!

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