Saturday, April 16, 2016


I was tempted to judge myself about something, ok honestly I was judging myself about something I did and said, and then I heard a faint whisper in my soul that said, “Bride!”

It took me off guard, and it was as if God was saying to me, “Don’t sweat the small stuff!  I see the bigger picture.”  “Neither do I condemn you…Come to me.  Go and leave your sin behind!”(John 8:11)  I see you as my Bride!  Washed clean, in white, beautiful, vulnerable, pure hearted. 

This is the legacy I want to leave.  Did I know myself as Bride? Did I live it out in my daily walk?  Did I see the Bride and call it out in the faces of his people, church and community I walk, work, and live with?

Judging yourself (essentially condemning yourself) and others is never the answer.  Confession is. Be clear. Always confessing the struggle, the thoughts, the feelings, the disappointments, and even the short-comings.  And in giving it over to God, letting him breathe his simple, straight forward, life-giving and affirming Word into your heart.  “Bride!” Be still, be quiet, and wait for Him.

 Offer a simple prayer like, “Here I am God, waiting for you…At the altar of my life once again…”

Let the Bridegroom rejoice over you.  (Isaiah 62:5)

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