Thursday, April 21, 2016

The water's edge

I was sitting at the water’s edge today, with a boat in the distance and I thought of Jesus.  The first time he called Peter was there at the water’s edge. (Luke 5:2)

Jesus saw him.  Peter had worked a hard late night, and had nothing to show for his efforts.  But Jesus knew that and had compassion on him.  “Let’s give him some hope!”

Peter didn’t know God would perform a miracle that day for him.  He just offered Jesus a place to sit and talk. 

Maybe morning’s dawn had just spoken.  Maybe, Peter who was tired and hungry was just being courteous to the good teacher.

But He listened to Jesus, and said a difficult yes to him, and it brought in more fish than he could ever catch during one late night shift.

No doubt Peter ate well that night, humbled by a man that saw his need and answered it in perfect timing.

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