Monday, April 18, 2016

The Gift

Every morning when you wake up, ask God where should my focus be? 

What do you want me to focus on today, Lord?  

My struggles or my blessings? 

There will always be struggles, but too often we are drawn to focus our attention there and we miss the gift that God wants to give us each and every day.  What will His gift be to you today?  How will it come packaged? 

Look for the gift, wait for the gift, and hope for the gift.  It’s never too far away.  Ask for eyes and ears to see and hear it... 

It may come in the form of good news, or time spent with a friend or family member.  

It may be a kind word, or a good book.  It may be a lunch or a dinner shared with someone.  Look for the gift.  

I can promise you it will be there if you are conscious to seek and find it. (Isaiah 55:6)

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