Thursday, January 25, 2018

The Promise Land

“A land flowing with milk and honey…”

God is always about bringing us up and out to a place of more freedom.  There are so many ways we can feel stuck in our lives; Stuck in addiction, Stuck in depression, Stuck in poverty, Stuck in isolation and timidity.  We are a stuck people, but the good news is that God’s heart for us is more freedom.

We’ve heard this many times before when we have been waiting on God for a long time for something, but how often and how long has God been waiting on us to take initiative for our own deliverance.

We can seek counsel. We can seek prayer. We can change our mindset and begin to think out of the box for our lives.  There is so many things that we can do to get out of our own stuckness.

Yes, we need God to empower, lead and direct us.  He’s always willing to show up and speak into our lives if we let Him.  God will show up often unannounced and often unrecognized.

The best place to start is on your knees… 

The Bible says, “A broken and contrite heart, Oh God you will not despise.” Psalm 51:17

But even God does not leave us solely in a broken place.  He desires for us to experience wholeness.  

There are always two sides of the coin in the Gospel story.

Go learn what this means, “I Desire Mercy, not Sacrifice.”  Matthew 9:13

The promise land is not a place that we arrive to with a final destination here on earth.  We are always being led out and brought forth to spacious places filled with longing and delight.

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