Monday, January 1, 2018

The Business of People

I know it’s not a happy thought, but in some ways we are all alone. We came into this world alone, and we will leave it alone.  The only hope we have is that God goes with us.

Marriage and family can ease the loneliness for a season, but spouses may die or marriages break-up and children grow-up and move on.

The only true gift God gives to us in Life’s Journey are people.  The investment we have made in others is the only fruit that will remain.

Jobs, money, status, power is just a means to an end. Its people that count and its people that God values. 

And at the end of our lives, it’s people that we will remember and reach out to.

We need a new mindset, we need a new motive, we need a new vision.

Wherever and whatever God will call you to, it’s because he has specific people he wants you to minister to.

Don’t just go to work every day to bring home a paycheck to pay for the house, the groceries, and the vacations.

Pray that God will bring you into relationship with those he wants you to reach out to, to befriend, to value, to appreciate, to support, encourage, and even challenge.

God is truly on our side, and the good news is He’s on the side of countless of others that we may not notice, recognize, and overlook everyday of our lives.

God is now and always will be in the business of people.

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