Friday, January 5, 2018

Consider the Lilies

Waiting is a hard but fulfilling discipline.  We wait for so many things: the leisure of the weekend, the coming of the spring, the fulfilling of dreams like purchasing that first home, and birthing that first child.  

We wait for the Glorious revealing of the Children of God, and Jesus the Son.  We wait spiritually and practically for promises to come to pass.

But what do we do in the process of waiting?  In a garden we plant seeds and take great delight when we see sprouts of growth.

It is a growing process while we wait.  But God enables us to experience the growth.  It’s just not one step to another.  Consider a pregnant woman, who watches her belly grow and take shape for 9 months until delivery.

When God moves you to the next thing, it’s because you have grown into it.  The waiting for that thing has been a process of growth in your life.  Growth is slow, but change happens. 

I’ve talked many times about the evolution of a butterfly; the process, the change, the dazzling transformation.  Such is our lives. 

I know you are waiting for many things, but consider that you are growing into those things, and take heart that they can happen.  

Nurture the seeds planted in your life.  Give room for growth.  Take delight in the sprouts that spring up and encourage you to move in that direction.

Never give up that all things are possible, and keep your eyes on the horizon and the one whom...

 “Considers the lilies, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin, yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.”  Luke 12:27

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