Saturday, March 4, 2017

The Little Children

 He called a little child, whom he placed among them. And He said: "Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven." Matthew 18:2

I am not a parent, but I have the privilege, honor, and challenge of being a preschool teacher to little children.  I call my job, the furnace of transformation.  Children are like a mirror, revealing parts of yourself you would rather not see.  Children are uncensored.  They will say and do whatever comes to mind.  Children are in touch with their emotions no matter how strong. 

The best parts of children are that they are carefree, they are open, they are responsive, they are receptive, and for the most part they are engaging and happy. I call children little “Spirit-beings”. At times, you can get a sense of direction if you listen to children because children are present and live in the moment.

As Adults, we have a lot to learn from children in our spiritual lives.  God values innocence, vulnerability and pure-heartedness.  Since, He is our Heavenly father; He wants us to be open, responsive and receptive to His presence and His Word.

He wants us to be present to others and experience divine moments as they come to us.

He wants us to engage in our surroundings, and to be in touch with our emotions.

There are some qualities that children have, I believe we should never outgrow.

Maturity grows us up in Love and makes us see beyond ourselves to others needs, but let us not
loose childlike wonder and trust in a God who fearfully and wonderfully made us.

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