Friday, March 24, 2017

Strength in Weakness

What we perceive as weakness is precisely the place where God wants to Love us the most.

How often we want to hide our weaknesses and flaunt our strong muscles, but God values our 

weaknesses because it enables us to reach out to him and others for help and He promises to supply our needs.(Philippians 4:19) 

We need prayer here, because it can be easy to turn against ourselves when we are weak, but our weakness can turn into God’s strength.  

Consider butterflies when delicate and fragile, shedding their cocoon and then in fullness spreading their wings to fly.  If it weren't for God entering into the weak and delicate places of our lives there would be no fullness, there would be no freedom, there would be no flight.

It is the Spirit of God who loves us in our weakness and then enables us to rise on wings like Eagle’s and run and not grow weary and walk and not be faint. (Isaiah 40:31)

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