What is failure?
Maybe it is setting the bar and expectation too high for us? I think failure helps us get to know ourselves;
our weaknesses, and our limitations.
Usually failure makes us plunge into despair and depression
thinking, “What is wrong with me?"
couldn’t I do this or that? Then the feelings
of less than and comparing yourself to what others can do.
But what can failure teach us about ourselves and about God?
Where can failure lead us?
Because of fear Peter denied Jesus, and after deep repentance
he became the rock in which the church was built. Jesus already knew he would
fail at the hour of testing, but ultimately Peter’s life would bear witness to
the solid rock in which we stand!
The Samaritan woman at the well who experienced moral
failure, at her hour of need Jesus offers her Living Water and in a sense calls
her to be a True Worshiper of God.
Failure brings us to the end of ourselves, and there we meet
Jesus who restores, heals, and sets us free to be who he created us to be!
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