Thursday, June 9, 2016

On Letting Go...

We have to let go of our need to make sense of our life.  We constantly review the past, look at the present, and hope for the future.  These are necessary and healthy things, but we cannot and never can control our destinies, or the destinies of our loved ones.

We can pray, hope, believe, but ultimately God has the final say.  His timing is always perfect.  His ways are higher and more loving and more healing than we can ever imagine. 

If we can everyday wake up and let go of our need to know, it gives more control over to God to let Him shape us through life’s circumstances and through His divine touch over our lives. 

It’s very difficult to let go, and live in a state of handing over our life and the lives of our loved ones to God.

It takes spiritual strength, energy, courage and deep compassion in believing God is with us, and will never leave us nor forsake us.  

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