Thursday, June 9, 2016

Make me an instrument

“I become an instrument of God when I let go of my own need to have everything go well or to avoid failure or to please others or simply to make more money. I become God’s song when I open up and trust that God’s energy moving through me will create goodness and harmony through who and how I am.” Joyce Rupp

Who doesn’t want everything to go well?  Who isn’t prone to please others? Who doesn’t want to avoid failure at all costs?  Who doesn’t want to make more money?

I’m sure there are exceptions to the rule, but I think many people are caught up in this striving for perfection. 

Self-acceptance is key here; when you can accept the imperfections of your life, your failures, poverty (inner or outer or both), and limitations.  When you can bring these needs before God, first and a trusted other, second than real healing begins.

God can’t heal a perfect person, or someone who tries really hard to project an image of perfection!

We need grace here.  We need honesty.  We need transparency.

We need Hope!

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