Saturday, March 3, 2018

New Englanders...

There is a time for everything,
    and a season for every activity under the heavens:  Eccesisastes 3:1

For us, hardy New Englanders we know the seasons very well.  We know that each season builds on each other. The buds of spring break forth in songs of summer.  The falling of leaves prepares our hearts for the bareness of winter.  I always laugh and enjoy the closing of one season, and the entering into the other, because it’s like a battle for one to end, and for the next to embrace.  Such is our lives.
For many die-hard New Englanders that love the seasons, like my mother. She would only be bored with just one.  The seasons make it exciting and each season capitulates a beauty and uniqueness all of its one.

He has made everything beautiful in its time. Eccesiastes 3:11

I will be as bold to say that the seasons of our lives is what makes life beautiful.  As we age, we become seasoned with our grays, and worn out sweaters.  Our eyes still bright, but with a deepening caused by age.
Spring brings gardens that we tend to with the hope of fragrance and abundant life to surround our modest homes. 
Summer bring sun and beach and a slowing down to the rhythms of waves and quiet waters.
We wear the seasons of our lives inwardly and outwardly and they tell our sacred story.
Our story that breaks through with song, and laughter, and even a chasing after the wind! Right, Solomon?
The seasons is what makes life beautiful.  Your life and mine, your story and mine unfolding since the beginning of time…

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