Friday, March 2, 2018

It is Finished!

“It is Finished!”

What did Jesus mean when he said, “It is Finished”  at the Cross?  It is finished is a Greek word, tetelestai, an accounting term that means, “paid in full.”

What did Jesus finish?  He paid the debt that mankind owed to God, the debt of sin.   He finished the work that God had given him to do, (John 17:4).  That work was to seek and save that which is lost, and be a messenger of reconciliation to the World. 

At the Cross, Jesus fulfilled all the prophecies that He was who the Father said He was, The Chosen Messiah for Jew and Gentile. 

And lastly, the suffering of Jesus while on earth was finished there at the Cross, too!

Completion, Fulfillment, It is Finished!

“There at the Cross” talks about our debt, what work we are called to, who we are in Christ, and our present suffering that will not compare to the “Glory that will be revealed in us.”  Romans 8:18.

All of this was accomplished at the Cross through the blood of Jesus!  We are not called to accomplish this again, but to allow Jesus to live His life through us.   

We are not called to endless suffering, but to a Glory that will be revealed in us!

We are not called to live in-debted lives, but to a freedom as children of God!

We are not called to shrink back, hide and play small, but to be bold, beautiful, and confident in knowing who we are as chosen ones.

We are not called to live purposeless futile lives, but we are called to be messengers of reconciliation, and pursuers of those who need God!

There at the Cross is our ticket!  It’s our freedom!  It’s our inheritance!  Do not be afraid to go there and behold Jesus, but not in terror, but in Triumph.  He triumphed over death so our future could be brighter!

At the Cross, Jesus advocated for us in a way that no one ever could.  Let Him advocate for you today.  Let Him be your Father….

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