Thursday, March 8, 2018

Heads not tails!

“Yours is the Kingdom!  You are exalted as head over all!”  1 Ch 29:11

It’s important to remember that God is sovereign and head over all!  Sometimes we forget this, because we look to very real people who are authority figures in our lives.  We look to our spouses, our parents, our pastors, our CEO’s at the job; people who have authority and can say yes or no to us very easily.  But truth is they are not God.  We need to pray for these people and pray that God would be sovereign and head over them, so they can lead with a compassionate authority that loves and serves the individual people that submit to them and look to them daily. 

It’s wonderful when God-fearing people are our bosses, but that’s not always the case, but truth is if you, yourself are God-fearing you can pray for God’s sovereignty and headship over your boss and I’m sure God will honor those prayers.

Don’t just get mad, leave, and get bitter at authority figures in your life.  Trust and Pray that God will work in these men and women and in your behalf. 

Personally, I’ve never been a manager of other men and women.  I have only had the privilege to lead children and that was tough enough.  Children will challenge your authority daily, and there are highs and lows, times when you really connect and encourage a child, and other times when you just miss the mark!

 It’s important to know that God is sovereign still over those times.  We are all imperfect people, that sometimes miss it, but thank God for His covering and that he works on behalf of all people regardless.

The truth is- “He’s a Good Good Father, and He’s perfect in all of His ways!”

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