Friday, August 25, 2017

What's so hard about change?

What’s so hard about change?

First you have to leave what is safe and familiar and launch out into the unknown.  This always causes fear and anxiety because it tests us in the area of trust. 

Often with change we are being asked to let go of something, and this releases our control and when we don’t feel like we are in control insecurity creeps up on us.

In change, we can enter into a cocoon of transformation where we shed many layers, and in some way a death of our old way of life may precede a new way of being. 

Change is very hard, but why does God ask us to wrestle with it?

I think because it grows our trust in God- We relinquish a control of our lives and give over to Him the authority to do with us as He wills.  And through this He transforms us to enter a place where we become more truly ourselves.

God is in control.  He asks us to do very small things, like say yes to this, and say no to that.  Take a step in this direction.

A prayer to enter in.

Dear God, I give you complete control of my life.  I pray that I would walk in the abundance, freedom and beauty that you desire for me.  May I release onto you my fear, anxiety and insecurity. May I not fear the death of old ways of being, but trust your grace and goodness over me to enter into more fully who you created me to be.


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