Wednesday, August 16, 2017

A New Thing!

I love clothes.  Always have.  It’s hard to pass by a beautiful summer dress, a flowing blouse, or a floral skirt.  I have always been inclined to clothes shopping.  Interestingly enough, I could care less about spending money on other things, like household furniture and decorations.  This drives my husband crazy, but it is what it is. 

I was thinking about the process of trying on clothes to see if they fit.  We are first attracted to the article of clothing, and we look to see if we think it’s the right size.  Then we take it in the dressing room, and truth will tell.  Is it too small, or too big?  Sometimes we feel disappointed, because we thought it would be a good fit, and other times we are pleasantly surprised, because we didn’t really think it would fit at all.  It’s funny how that works.

I think life can be similar when we start new things.  Often we give a lot of thought, time and energy to them.  We can become a little obsessive.  I think it’s because we are trying things on.  We want to see how they fit into our daily lives.  It can be anything from becoming a new parent, to starting a new job, to buying a new home.  At first we are so enamored with this thing, but as time goes on it becomes as a comfortable as an old sweater. 

I think it’s helpful to know we need to give ourselves time, space and grace to try new things on.

Newness can be wonderful.  It can be exciting.  It can be beautiful.  It can be surprising!

Isaiah 43:19 says:
 See, I am doing a new thing!
Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?
I am making a way in the wilderness and
Streams in the desert.

The truth is we need newness, so life doesn’t get too dry.  Newness brings hope and change.  

Newness is God’s provision to us on the road of Faith-
For He is indeed making a new way.

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