Saturday, August 26, 2017

Dripping with Nectar...

Hummingbirds remind us to always actively seek out the sweetest nectar, extracting the good and beauty in life!

That is why the practice of gratitude is so powerful and important.  Throughout our days and interactions with others there will be positive and not so positive things that will surface, but we need to keep our eyes and ears keen to what is good.  Unfortunately what feels not so good can ring like a megaphone in our ears, dampening our heart and attitude.  Our heart, feelings and attitude can be a real battle ground.  Feelings are important.  They are often an entry point for God to work, when we invite him into it.

Other people are also really important, because sometimes their reaction to the interaction is completely different.  They become an objective voice. 

The lesson of the Hummingbird can be a real example of how we should live out our days; extracting the sweetness, the beauty, the good, and being deeply grateful for it.

Now- the light will come in, the dampening will go- For tomorrow we will arise and find a new day dripping with nectar.

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