Sunday, August 27, 2017

Green Pastures

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding.  Acknowledge him in all your ways, and He will direct your path.” Proverbs 3:5-6

So much of our lives we don’t understand.  We think we know what God’s doing, but we don’t.  He is making a way for us, but often we need to lay down our own expectations of what that way looks like.  When we lay down our expectations, we can trust in a God who provides-streams in the desert and honey from a rock!

What does the Lord require of us?  Trust first, acknowledge him in all our ways 2nd, and the path will open up ahead of us.

When I was a school-aged girl, there was a path that my father, sisters, and I use to walk behind the house that he lived.  It was a long path, and often my dad would pass the time away by telling us very bad jokes.  I remember we loved walking that path with him.  At the end of the path was a beautiful golf course.  We weren’t members and we weren’t supposed to be there, but we would still break the rules and walk around it, and in the summertime even jump through the sprinklers with our dog. 

It was indeed green pastures.

I pray that green pastures would open up ahead for you.

I pray that you would lay down lofty expectations, and simply and humbly acknowledge Him in all your ways, and watch and see!

 He will direct your path.

Saturday, August 26, 2017

Dripping with Nectar...

Hummingbirds remind us to always actively seek out the sweetest nectar, extracting the good and beauty in life!

That is why the practice of gratitude is so powerful and important.  Throughout our days and interactions with others there will be positive and not so positive things that will surface, but we need to keep our eyes and ears keen to what is good.  Unfortunately what feels not so good can ring like a megaphone in our ears, dampening our heart and attitude.  Our heart, feelings and attitude can be a real battle ground.  Feelings are important.  They are often an entry point for God to work, when we invite him into it.

Other people are also really important, because sometimes their reaction to the interaction is completely different.  They become an objective voice. 

The lesson of the Hummingbird can be a real example of how we should live out our days; extracting the sweetness, the beauty, the good, and being deeply grateful for it.

Now- the light will come in, the dampening will go- For tomorrow we will arise and find a new day dripping with nectar.

Friday, August 25, 2017

What's so hard about change?

What’s so hard about change?

First you have to leave what is safe and familiar and launch out into the unknown.  This always causes fear and anxiety because it tests us in the area of trust. 

Often with change we are being asked to let go of something, and this releases our control and when we don’t feel like we are in control insecurity creeps up on us.

In change, we can enter into a cocoon of transformation where we shed many layers, and in some way a death of our old way of life may precede a new way of being. 

Change is very hard, but why does God ask us to wrestle with it?

I think because it grows our trust in God- We relinquish a control of our lives and give over to Him the authority to do with us as He wills.  And through this He transforms us to enter a place where we become more truly ourselves.

God is in control.  He asks us to do very small things, like say yes to this, and say no to that.  Take a step in this direction.

A prayer to enter in.

Dear God, I give you complete control of my life.  I pray that I would walk in the abundance, freedom and beauty that you desire for me.  May I release onto you my fear, anxiety and insecurity. May I not fear the death of old ways of being, but trust your grace and goodness over me to enter into more fully who you created me to be.


Wednesday, August 16, 2017

A New Thing!

I love clothes.  Always have.  It’s hard to pass by a beautiful summer dress, a flowing blouse, or a floral skirt.  I have always been inclined to clothes shopping.  Interestingly enough, I could care less about spending money on other things, like household furniture and decorations.  This drives my husband crazy, but it is what it is. 

I was thinking about the process of trying on clothes to see if they fit.  We are first attracted to the article of clothing, and we look to see if we think it’s the right size.  Then we take it in the dressing room, and truth will tell.  Is it too small, or too big?  Sometimes we feel disappointed, because we thought it would be a good fit, and other times we are pleasantly surprised, because we didn’t really think it would fit at all.  It’s funny how that works.

I think life can be similar when we start new things.  Often we give a lot of thought, time and energy to them.  We can become a little obsessive.  I think it’s because we are trying things on.  We want to see how they fit into our daily lives.  It can be anything from becoming a new parent, to starting a new job, to buying a new home.  At first we are so enamored with this thing, but as time goes on it becomes as a comfortable as an old sweater. 

I think it’s helpful to know we need to give ourselves time, space and grace to try new things on.

Newness can be wonderful.  It can be exciting.  It can be beautiful.  It can be surprising!

Isaiah 43:19 says:
 See, I am doing a new thing!
Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?
I am making a way in the wilderness and
Streams in the desert.

The truth is we need newness, so life doesn’t get too dry.  Newness brings hope and change.  

Newness is God’s provision to us on the road of Faith-
For He is indeed making a new way.

Sunday, August 6, 2017


“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles.  And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.”  Hebrews 12:1

This past week, I went on vacation with my husband’s family.  On the first day out we took a hike.  We thought it would be easy, but it ended up being uphill for most of the time. It felt hard at times, and we wondered how much longer until we reached the peak?  There were moments when we even considered turning around, but thankfully some cheered us along to keep going.

At one point in the hike, I just accepted that I was going to persevere and I got my second wind.  Finally, we made it to the top and saw a beautiful view.  Then the descent felt relatively easy and was downhill most of the time.   So with energy, speed and great Joy we made it back to our cars and found our way to enjoy a refreshing, and rejuvenating dip in a river.

There was so much to learn on that hike:
1) You need to keep a sense of humor when expectations are not met. 
2) You need others to encourage and cheer you on when life gets hard and you want to quit.
3) Remember-Don’t give up because there is a beautiful view that you just might miss. 
4) Always talk to others who have gone before you because they will tell you what’s ahead.
5) After persevering God will refresh you with Streams of Living Waters.

There is a race marked out for everyone of us.

There are guides, and cheerleaders, there are companions and friends.  There are peaks, and valleys.  There is sweat and laughter.

We need to keep going “fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith.” Hebrews 12:2
For Joy’s Sake!