On the evening of that first day of the week, when the
disciples were together, with the doors locked for fear of the Jewish leaders, Jesus
came and stood among them and said,
Peace be with you!
After he said this, he showed them his hands and side. The disciples were over-joyed when they saw
the Lord. (John 20:19-20)
“In this world you
will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the World.” John 16:33
What gets us is when we enter a place of fear, frenzy and disconnection from the Lord- this comes with outside pressure. Circumstances beyond our control that make us
realize we are not in control of our lives-Only God is.
I love this passage, because the disciples have locked the
door and are hiding from outside threats, and Jesus who so casually and
confidently walks in and proclaims what they needed to hear- Peace Be with
You! Here is the son of man who just rose
from the dead – with the power of Everlasting Life on his side, and he realizes
his disciples need to know that He is still with them, and they need not be
Peace be with you!
Jesus was the most encouraging man that ever lived, and the Spirit
of God is the Son of Encouragement.
Because He lives we live, too!
So now, the disciples that touched his hands and side, and
no doubt were surprised to see him; They receive Peace, but it doesn’t end there-they
receive, Joy too.
Jesus never ceases to amaze me. The one, who calmed the raging sea, can calm
the storm in me.
And He doesn’t do it just once, but how many times over in our lives? He shows us the way to follow him-To keep our eyes on Him, and trust that He will enter into our locked rooms and provide the Peace and Joy we need by knowing His presence is still with us.
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