Sunday, June 11, 2017


“He will hide me in the shelter of his tabernacle and set me high upon a rock.”  Psalm 27

Today, as I was drawing near to God in Worship this verse came to me.   As we draw near to the Lord, we want him to hide us under his wings that we might find refuge there.  We want him to lift us up and set us high upon a rock, that no enemy can touch us.  It is there we stand sacred and set apart for the Lord’s service; holy and consecrated to his good work.

The only good work there is-is to lift up the name of Jesus.  So that He can “draw all men, women and children to himself.” John 12:32

It’s only by the name of Jesus that we are healed, set free, and liberated from bondage, oppression and disease.

Oh- the matchless name of Jesus, nothing compares to His goodness, His mercy, His glory.

 We need to touch Him and know that He is real.

The only way to do that is bow before him, come and worship and adore him, lay it all down at the feet of Him who laid it all down for His bride- and that is what we are; crucified-now Arise!

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