Wednesday, April 5, 2017

A Great Commission

“I have hidden your Word in my heart that I might not sin against thee.”  Psalm 119:11

We need to pray for more compassion; compassion to look upon every human being we come in contact with.  Compassion helps us not to sin.  Compassion gives us the eyes and heart of Jesus.  He always extended compassion to those he met on the road, in the home, and in the marketplace.

We know that personal struggle, working with others, serving needs makes us more compassionate, but we don’t always feel compassion even in the midst of it all.  I think the moments when we do look at others and really feel compassion is nothing more than sheer grace. 

Somehow the Compassionate heart of the Father entered into my World today, at my workplace, in my home, in my life. 

I don’t know how we can truly love others; those that God has placed in our lives without feeling a sense of compassion for them; especially those closest to us. 

I believe the secret to God’s great love and Commission is one of Compassion.  The moments we can tap into a deeper sense of compassion, as we look upon others is a moment when we can experience a taste of God's True Heart for us.

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