Saturday, October 29, 2016

The Hope of Glory

What else do we have but our Passion for the Lord?

He is our only Hope.  Let the longing of our hearts drive us to God.

For only in Him can we rest secure.  He is our safety zone.

The winds, the temptations, the hidden desires to self-destruct are real.  But whom shall we go?  He holds the keys to eternal life.  He is our living Hope.  He is our Living Word. In Him we find true salvation.

The storms of life do shake us a bit.  The lifelong effects of pain hidden in our bodies.  We have to let it go.  We have to cling to God.

For only In Him can we find a true refuge. We are safe and secure in the arms of Jesus.

My Hope is in the Lord, from this day on forevermore.  My Hope is in the Lord…forevermore….

For its Christ in me the Hope of Glory...(Colossians 1:27)

Friday, October 28, 2016

The Deep Well

Grace is the deep well that never runs dry…

Just when you are about to give up, Just when you think you are lost, Just when you think you have nothing left to give…

Grace shows up in her array of Glory.

You, see the fountain doesn’t run dry with Grace.

Grace is the gift that keeps giving.  Grace is the Spirit of the Living Christ, alive and at work in you…

His Love is never ending…You can’t exhaust Him! Neither Foe, nor friend.

That’s why he says, “Come to the waters all ye who are thirsty.  Come buy wine and milk without money or cost…” (Isaiah)

God is the eternal Good news.  He keeps everything flowing and going, like the fervent waters just around the river bend.

When you think you can’t go on…Just go a little bit further and then, God will appear perhaps unrecognized but you will sense the wind in your sails.

Keep Trusting,  Keep forgiving, and Keep believing in the one who will never die, give up, or run dry.

He is the fountain of our eternal youth…

Sunday, October 23, 2016


“I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.” Henry David Thoreau

We hunger to live from a place of desire.  The desire that is God given and resides in the deepest place of our hearts.

The problem is that desire can be misplaced and fuel addiction and fantasy. 

Also, as our hearts become alive with desire we may find heartache, loss and disappointment of unfulfilled dreams.

What do we do with desire?  How to we offer it to God and allow it to shape its place in our life?

Desire will lead us to Humility.  For only God is in control of our desires.  Only God can feed and lead us.  Only God can satisfy our hunger with good things.

Ultimately, desire led Jesus to the Cross.   His desire was always to be one with the Father and to gather the little children to himself. 

"Father, I desire that they also, who you have give me, be with me where I am, so that they may see my glory which you have given me, for you loved me before the foundation of the World."  John 17:24-26

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

A Pleasing Sacrifice

Jesus is always inviting us to die (surrender) so others can live.  From birth our parents give and sacrifice so we can have a better life.  As we age we delight in the brilliance and creativity of youth.  The more selfless we grow, we learn to let go, make room, take the last place, adorn others with Glory and Grace. 

Perhaps that’s the invitation of Christ, come die ( surrender) with me…

Be my Friend…
Give over with me.
Stop the fighting, the
competing, the
comparison, the

The sacrifice is worth it. 
You get to know me,
You get my intimacy.

In that day, you will
Smile while all the
Beautiful ones
You have left 

And you will take
My hand and walk
On that well-lit path,


Monday, October 10, 2016

Wedding Canopy

Silence enters into my restful soul,
As I sit and wait;

Listen to the pitter
Patter of the rain, gently falling,

Cleansing my thoughts, I turn to
God and pray.

I wonder to the one who is able,
The one who broods over me,

Like a wedding canopy, hovering

I enter into a soulful
Presence, a being that is bigger
Than any human accolade.

I am enlarged, I hold his meeting
Tent, and he holds me in the palm
Of his nail scarred hands.

We dance…

I am yours.
You are mine.

Eternally grateful to
Take your hand.

Sunday, October 2, 2016

The Neighborhood

Living here,

I’ve seen things
Come and go.

The steady, the
Constant, reminding
Me to let go,

and make room for

The comfort
Of a tree that
Would blossom
Every Spring

And encourage
Me to hope
For Future things-

Now cut down
And gone.

The presence
Of a girl,

Who helped
Me not feel

now left
And Gone, like
The Tree.

Letting go…

I wonder?

Now what
New faces
will I see?

Who will
Emerge from

What new
Blossoms will
Awaken me?

From Evergreens
To the fire of
a burning bush?


My true home is not
Here on Earth…


I must be constantly
letting go..


With my face
Turned towards
Heaven's son...