Thursday, September 29, 2016

A seed of kindness

When we look for Jesus every day we will find cruelty and war and rejection, but somewhere deep within the prison walls a sprout grows into a tree. In darkness, shadows illuminate and light reflects off the deepness and soberness of the sea.

I walk and find within the hustle and bustle of hard, and walled off faces of poverty, or the snobbery of the wealthy, a kind soul who greets me, a warm smile, a child’s hug in abandonment and affection…

I find when I meet the kindness of Jesus; it is supernatural! I can enter into the wonder and beauty of His creation with a smile, with a skip in my step.  I could walk forever with the kiss of kindness.  All becomes beauty entering into my weary soul.

Kindness isn’t always found in the most usual places…It can surprise you with its humble gifts! 

But please don’t give up.  Watch and wait and pray that somewhere out there through the wind of change, and the colder, harder seasons, a seed of kindness planted within and around you awaits to blossom in an unusual way…

Ode to Fall

Everything changes,
the cooler days, the
sun going down that
hits the leaves that
twirl and whirl while
children play and
dance upon the
broken ground.

The colors mesmerize,
as squirrels collect
acorns and scurry
and hide beneath
the hallowed trees.

The church bell
rings, the choir
sings, and we

We are awake,
We are alive,
all that is Fall

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Immanuel (God with us)

“The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel (which means God with us).  Matthew 1:23

The Greatest Gift God ever gave to his people was Jesus.  He is Immanuel, the God who is with us. 

He was born as a babe and wrapped in swaddling cloth lying in a manger.  In utter poverty he walked among the people beyond the Jordan, in Galilee and Bethlehem to Jerusalem.   

He came to live among us, to be as one of us; to feel the heart ache and pain and even separation from the Father, as He experienced on the Cross of Golgotha.

He was God with us, in utter simplicity, vulnerability, and humility he made His way to the Cross.  From power to powerlessness, from leading to being led…this was His way…

He did it to offer us a presence that never leaves us.  This is the Gift of the Holy Spirit that He released at Pentecost. 

The same Spirit that forgives us.  His Spirit, the one that carries our burdens, and sets us free to walk in joy and in freedom. 

Jesus was the promised one, Immanuel (God with us) not just with us but with every nation that would believe the prophesy to be true…

“For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders.  And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace…” Isaiah 9:6

Friday, September 23, 2016

The Power of Hope

Wondering how much we choose our life, or does life choose us?  I walk off the beaten path, onto another…and I begin to wonder?  Where am I?  Where am I going?  It feels like lostness, but yet I feel safe here on this path.  God shows up in His array of light and glory.  Often, I wander alone, but I sense His nearness beckoning me; His Word, His Voice, His Worship.

When we don’t get what we want, and we realize we are not in control of our lives it feels like little deaths, dying every day…

But the power of Hope breaks through our little deaths with a song of Love and purity…

I believe it’s the power of Hope that keeps us all alive.

Hope is our protection and safety against the devil’s lies.

Monday, September 19, 2016

Is He enough?

Is He enough?

I, guess we will be asking this until eternity.

Was He enough when He delivered the Israelites out of Pharaoh’s hand?
Was He enough when Caleb and Joshua spied the promise land?

Was He enough when Esther became queen?
Was He enough when Joseph interpreted Pharaoh’s dream?

Was He enough when David slay the giant with 5 smooth stones?
Was He enough when Ezekiel said, “Prophesy to these dry bones!”

Was He enough when Mary washed his feet with her tears?
Was He enough when He submitted to his parents all of those years?

Was He enough when they lay his body in a cold, dark tomb?
Was He enough when he rose from the dead and said, “Behold, I am coming back soon!”

Is He enough? I often wonder still? He’s the first and last, Messiah, Lamb of God…

Just Be Still….

Saturday, September 17, 2016

In this place of rest (a poem)

Where light hits
And shadows form,

There I want to
Lay my head.

Under the

I feel His
And rest.

His light
My heart
With every

I am needed

In this place of rest.

The Greatest Love of All..

You have to believe my love is greater than any loss or gain, ministry opportunity, call or career, house or financial wealth, husband, or father’s love or mother’s love,or any human love.

You have to trust in my love, though the way is hard, and dark and unclear.

You have to trust in my house (mansion) of love.  There is plenty of room for you.  I go and prepare a place for you and I will come and take you to be with me where I am.  You know the way in which I am going.

I am the way…

Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe in me as well. 

In My Father’s house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? 

And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and welcome you into my presence, so that you also may be where I am.…(John 14:1-3)

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Amazing Grace

The world is a cruel place to live;
In my endless wandering, searching
For home, community, and vocation,
I sit and wait upon the Lord.
I hear His voice tenderly reminding
me that in this world we will have trouble.
But take heart!  He has overcome the world.
Now my eyes and heart are fixed upon Jesus.
My vision is enlarged to a heavenly one.
We may be forgotten in the here and now, but
Jesus never forgets not one hair on my head.
And I am worth much more than the tiny sparrows.
My soul rejoices in the lord, my savior.
For only He can lift me up.  Only He can give me hope.
Only He can encourage me to keep my eyes upon Jesus
And His wondrous love.  He remains faithful to me to the
End.  Help me Lord to trust you for another day of your

Amazing Grace.

Friday, September 9, 2016

The Lord is my Shepherd

The Lord is my shepherd…  When you think of a shepherd, what words come to mind? For me it is…

A flock of little sheep, a rod, or staff, a following, leading and gently guiding, protecting, overseeing…

 A pasture is an open place.  I’m sure calm at times, but also exposed to the climate and elements of weather.

Where do they find shelter?  Near a rock, on a cleft of a mountain?
Shepherds need to know their terrain.  They need divine guidance to lead their sheep to safe pasture. 

The Lord is my shepherd.  The Bible refers to the Lord as the good shepherd.  And we are the sheep of his pasture.  He tends to our needs, like a good father.

The shepherd must spend a lot of time in solitude and alone with his creator.  Maybe he depends on the light of the stars during the darkest night. 

It was a starry night when the shepherds were led to the baby Jesus.  Did the shepherds carry the newborn in their arms?

I’m sure they know the tenderness and strength that the very young need.

We all need the Good Shepherd with us, leading and guiding us, protecting us, and blessing us with His presence.

The Lord is my shepherd, and he knows his sheep by name.  

Saturday, September 3, 2016

The arms of Jesus

We long for the arms of Jesus...

Arms that carry.
Arms that hold.
Arms that are strong
when we are weak.
Arms that are safe;
and we can run to
in our various trials
and times of need.

Arms that are full
of tenderness and

It is here we find
the embrace of Jesus.