Wednesday, February 14, 2018

One Thing!

“Only one thing is needed, and it will not be taken away from her.”  Luke 10:42

What was Mary’s secret, that Jesus commended her for?  Mary was basking in the presence of Jesus.  She was filling herself with His presence, His words, Himself.  This is the one thing that was needed for her, for Martha, and for their family. 

We need more of Jesus, and when you experience Him you know it.  “He is all you need.  He’s the more than enough.”  When we don’t have “the more” of Jesus we start filling ourselves with other things like food, drink, material items, personalities..

Jesus said, “You look for me not because you saw the signs, but because you ate the loaves and had your fill.” John 6:26

Truth is we are a hungry people; spiritually, emotionally, and physically.  We will fill ourselves with something or someone.  We long to be full..

That’s why we need to eat God’s Word, bask in his presence, and be full of the Holy Spirit…

The problem with Martha was that she was missing Jesus in the midst of doing something for Him.  He was right in front of her and she was running around trying to serve.  If she took the time to be with Jesus, maybe Mary would have gotten up and started cooking. 

Being always comes before doing in God’s economy.  We Be before God, experience His presence, and listen to His Words, and then He sends us out to preach the Gospel, heal the sick, raise the dead!

Mary chose the better part, and that part is always Jesus, seeking to know Him, seeking to be filled by Him, seeking to be in Fellowship with Him.

No matter what you are going through today, I want you to know that only one thing is needed, and when you find that thing, nothing and no one can take it from you..

Jesus will reward you, but with a treasure that far outweighs them all… You will find His love, Joy, peace, kindness and pleasure given to all who sit at His feet, delight in His presence, and drink from His words..

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