Sunday, February 11, 2018


We all need attention.

Attention is what causes us to perk up and come to life.  Attention makes us beautiful and fragrant.
Consider a flower that is wilting.  We put it in the sunlight and water it and very soon it comes to life again; fragrant and beautiful for all to see.

We are like that flower- in need of attention, water, and sunlight so we can flourish and grow into a beautiful garden.

Beautiful gardens naturally offer hospitality and invite others in.  We can only hope to be such a person whom offers presence, beauty and hospitality to those who have lost their way, and to those who are in need of some personal attention of their own.

So many of us have been neglected in our past, in our present, and truth be told we have been conditioned to neglect ourselves. 

This perhaps could be one of humanity’s deepest darkest secrets- Neglect.  It may not be as violent as rape or abuse, but it is a silent killer…

We need to offer the neglected parts of ourselves to God.  We need to seek ways in which we allow our neglected selves some much needed personal rest and attention…

There are so many ways you can gift yourself some attention like going on a retreat, seeing a counselor, getting a massage, surrounding yourself with beauty and art, sitting in a garden, going to the beach, going to the gym.

Be good to yourself.  It’s ok to ask for what you need. Also, remember to take some time to read the written Word, which says…

“You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail.”  Isaiah 58:11

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