Sunday, December 3, 2017

Advent Season

Today is the first weekend in Advent.  It is a season of waiting; waiting for the coming of the King, the Messiah who was born in Bethlehem many moons ago, but He still lives in the hearts of men and women who love and serve Him around this big, wide world.

I think the Advent Season is a season of slowing down.  What’s the rush?  At Christmastime everyone seems to be rushing around with a shopping deadline, but that is really not the heart of the Christmas Story.

Like Mary, who waited 9 months for her delivery, we await again for another kind of Delivery-One of the Triumphant Son who will once again shatter the yokes, and awaken humanity to the God-Head; the Blessed Trinity.

I wish we could link arms around this big, wide world, as a sign of the promise that is to come for all those who await for the Blessed Messiah.

I wish we could pause.  I wish we could break bread, and breathe and just stop what we are doing and give thanks.  

I wish we could celebrate and Be Still, and quiet with a special kind of humming that moves our souls to hark the herald angels sing and wait for the triumphant king to break into our quiet, humble, circle as well as the circle of our not so quiet humanity that sees the star, that hears the angelic proclamation and brings the treasures from afar to worship Emmanuel, God with us!

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